Art League
The Ocean Reef Art League’s calendar is filled with interesting and varied activities, with a little something that should appeal to just about every art interest. Classes daily in season. Orchid and Book Clubs, as well as theatre and museum trips are offered.
Bridge Groups
The Bridge group meets Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. during the winter season and welcomes all players from novice to expert in the Ocean Room.
Card Sound Golf Club
Card Sound Golf Club was founded in 1974. It is an equity golf club, featuring a Bob Von Hagge and Bruce Devlin designed 18-hole golf course, that was redesigned by Brian Silva in 1999. The new clubhouse and pro shop were completed in 2007 and are in full operation.
Card Sound Model Yacht Club
For over 30 years, the captains and mates of these radio-controlled scale replicas of America’s Cup yachts have raced on Sunday morning each winter season. Races in the early years were held in the waters of Fairway Lakes.
Card Sound Sailing Club
Organized in 1967, and has grown from an original fleet of eight Javelin boats to a fleet of 22 Bullseyes, as many as 10 – 15 of which race each Saturday morning throughout the winter season. The Card Sound Sailing Club is open to all Ocean Reef Club members. No sailing experience is necessary to apply.
Coast Guard Auxiliary
This very active group sponsors safe boating and other training courses, including water safety for children, plus air and sea search and rescue. Its members augment the efforts of the U.S. Coast Guard and marine and law enforcement agencies. Pilots belonging to the Coast Guard Auxiliary contribute their time and planes to patrol local waters, and all members can be relied upon to render assistance in time of emergency.
The Lawn & Tennis Center has a full-size grass croquet court. Join us on Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. for our weekly beginner clinic and our intermediate clinic from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. If you are interested in a game, contact the Pro Shop for assistance in arranging a match.
Contact: Jim Morton at 305.367.6385.
Flying Club
The Ocean Reef Flying Club is made up of both pilots and non-flyers who support our Ocean Reef Club Airport and sport aviation. The Flying Club hosts several parties annually at Ocean Reef Club as well as organized fly-ins.
Health & Tennis Club
As a private club within Ocean Reef, the Health &
Ocean Reef Yacht Club
The Ocean Reef Yacht Club is one of The Reef’s oldest organizations, with membership numbering about 400. Its social agenda each winter season includes dinner parties, holiday dances, single and multi-day cruises in the local area and region, and its traditional Commodore’s Review and Commissioning of the Fleet ceremony each January.
Racquet Club at Ocean Reef
This is a private, member-owned tennis club within Ocean Reef Club established in 1976 and is comprised of 12 Har Tru courts and one Omni court, which is used for ball machine practice. The club’s Sunday mixed doubles round-robin and cocktail parties have been a special tradition for more than two decades.
Reef Club Kids
The Reef Club Kids program offers half day and full day programs for children ages 4-10. Children are divided into different age groups, overseen by well-trained and qualified counselors to escort them to a variety of activities including fishing, sailing, kayaking, golf, tennis, games and arts and crafts. In addition, today’s Reef Club Kids program is open on Friday and Saturday nights. We consider this to be one of the best ways for children to meet other children at the Club.
Rod & Gun Club
This group hosts Sporting Clay Days, bonefishing trips to Andros, salmon fishing in Russia, Argentina Dove Shoots, onshore and offshore fishing tournaments, seminars, shoot-outs and social events throughout the year. The R&G Club is very active in preserving our natural marine habitat as well as supporting tarpon and bonefish studies and fisheries.